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In 2008, the debate about when keyboarding should be taught in schools is "hotting up". Schools worldwide are under growing pressure to teach keyboarding earlier:
"Many middle school students are already doing all their writing assessments online and there is talk of fourth graders doing this too, but this would be a nightmare! They still hunt and peck at this age!"
Starting in 2011, the National Assessment of Educational Progress in Washington, DC, will test how well students in Grades 8 and 12 can write on computers, rather than with the old schoolhouse standbys of pencils and paper
In 4th Grade, writing will still be tested using a paper-and-pencil format in 2011, in part because many elementary students currently lack keyboarding skills and experience. But the framework encourages a computer-based writing assessment for that grade as well by 2019
Teachers are becoming frustrated with student "hunting and pecking"
"I wish our schools would teach serious keyboarding down in the lower elementary; the sight of someone hunting and pecking with one finger makes me want to scream. My students are lovely people with many wonderful stories to tell, but they do not have the skills to make that possible. Watching them struggle to 'get it out' is heart-wrenching"
"I am the technology coordinator at my school and nothing else bothers me more than when students come into the lab and have absolutely NO idea where the keys are or how you go about typing. In this case, I am talking about students as old as 10 to 13"
"I teach at a private school with students coming from several school districts. Unfortunately, some students never really learn to keyboard, or are not taught how to keyboard, before coming to high school. What a crime! This really puts the students at a disadvantage--at school and in the work force. No one else in our district seems as concerned about this as I am
. . . 2005 comment on TechLearning.com"
"Our school did not have a formal keyboarding program until 7th grade for the last 3-4 years. By this time it is very difficult to break students of their bad habits. Starting this year the students will begin keyboarding in the elementary grades
. . . Comment on TechLearning.com"
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